DragonsOfAtlantisTips Wiki

Many newcomers, adventurers, and treasurehunters starts with a beginning. To start the beginning, be powerful, You need to posses a dragon that will aid you and your battles. Here you shall know the tips to get it faster.

To get a Great Dragon Egg, you should upgrade your Dragon's Keep to Level 2.

Great Dragon[]

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The Great Dragon (GD) is the key to your city's survival and will defend your city if it is under attack. Your dragon will be raised in the Dragon's Keep, which you need to upgrade in order to help your dragon grow to an adult. Your Great Dragon can participate in your attacks once you have found the 4 pieces of Dragon Armor. The Great Dragon can now be upgraded to level 12!

Different color scales and armor can now be won from Fortuna, which boost your dragons stats. For special events, like halloween, sometimes exclusive armor is offered for a limited period of time.

Great Dragon ArmorEdit[]

The 4 pieces of the Great Dragon's Armor can be found in level 5+ Anthropus camps. When you collect all 4 pieces of Armor, you will be able to research Aerial Combat. [2]The easiest way to obtain Great Dragon Armor is by sending waves to Anthropus Camps as soon as you have enough troops to send 2 full sized waves. To learn more about this attacking techniques, please visit the Waving page.

Once the full set of armor is acquired, your Dragon will automatically wear it.

The drop rate of Great Dragon Armor pieces about 50%, so it should not be too difficult to find. But because the drops are random, it may take you longer than other people.

Note: Once you have acquired all the pieces of Dragons armor, you need to research Aerial Combat to get your dragon ready to go on marches.

Great Dragon HealthEdit[]

[3]Added by BirdSpiritThe Great/Elemental Dragons can attack without having 100% health.

The minimum is 100% minus 5% per Aerial Combat level.

  • Level 10, until 50% of their full health.
  • Level 9, until 55%
  • Level 8 until 60%
  • Level 2, until 90%
  • Level 1, until 95%

Your Great Dragon will always take damage during an attack, but the amount it takes and therefore the time it takes to heal can be reduced by defeating the location 2x without the Great or Elemental Dragon and then including it with the 3rd wave. Or, if you are trying to obtain Anthropus Talismans, by sending enough other troops with the attack.

If your dragon is defeated in battle, she will be heavily injured, however, your Great Dragon will never die. Although it must heal, you can use speed-up items to help heal your Great Dragon's faster. Generally, the number of troops needed to clear a Camp or Wild is enough to ensure your GD will survive an attack, although it should be noted that the GD's range will interfere in battle if included with speed troops. Click here for details.

Troop CompatibilityEdit[]

Dragon Compatible Troops Best Troops Incompatible Troops


Ranged SSDs, BDs

So do not send the Great and Elemental Dragons with SSDs, BDs, and Banshees! The Wind Dragon may be used with Banshees and SSDs if Dragonry is level 8-10.


Great Dragon levels are achieved by upgrading the Dragon's Keep in the City.

  • Level 1 - No Egg
  • Level 2 - Egg
  • Level 3-5 - Infant
  • Level 6-7 - Juvenile
  • Level 8-10 - Adult
  • Armored Great Dragon
  • Dragon's Keep 12

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Level Description From Game Upkeep/Food
1 We await the arrival of our dragon. 0
2 Within this Great Dragon's Egg, lies all hope for the City's survival. 0
3 The infant Dragon is helpless. No Defensive Strength. 200
4 The baby Dragon can be led through the City to the gates. She struts and spits a little fire. 459 Defensive Strength. 400
5 The little Dragon has learned to fly at last. She was slow, but now she loves the sky. This is a great day. 747 Defensive Strength. 600
6 The child Dragon grows stronger. Her wingspan is wide for one so young, with scales like steel. She makes small circles over the City, protectively. 1,055 Defensive Strength. 800
7 This young Dragon grows strong and swift. She loves her City. Roaring with pride, she blasts fire, one eye always watching beyond the walls. 1,379 Defensive Strenght. 1000
8 This one is a Great Dragon. She swoops above the City on muscular wings, her scales shimmering like the rainbow. The citizens are in awe. 1,717 Defensive Strength. 1,200
9 Our great dragon is as fearless and nearly as fast as the swift strikers. Her dragonfire is potent and steady. She guards the city with tenacious vigilance. 1,400
10 We have raised the best. Our Great Dragon is cunning, fast, and strong as any dragon in Atlantis. She is frightening and beautiful to behold. We love her.


11 Your Great Dragon is now more powerful that you imagined. Her skills rival any dragon in the land. This is the beginning of a new era for your mighty dragons. 1,800
12 Your Great Dragon is now more powerful that you imagined. Her skills rival any dragon in the land. This is the beginning of a new era for your mighty dragons. (Same as Level 11) 2,000

Requirements for Upgrade and Power Boost

Level Food Gold Lumber Ore Stone Time Power
2 800 3000 5000 1400 2400 9m 0s 100
3 1600 6000 10000 2800 4800 18m 0s 100
4 3200 12000 20000 5600 9600 48m 0s 200
5 6400 24000 40000 11200 19200 1h 36m 0s 400
6 12800 48000 80000 22400 38400 3h 12m 0s 800
7 25600 96000 160000 44800 76800 6h 24m 0s 1600
8 51200 192000 320000 89600 154600 12h 48m 0s 3200
9 102400 384000 640000 179200 307200 1d 1h 36m 0s 6400
10 204800 768000 1280000 358400 614400 2d 3h 12m 0s 12800
11 409600 3072000 2560000 716800 1228800 4d 6h 24m 0s 25600
12 614400 4608000 3840000 1075200 1843200 6d 9h 36m 0s 51200


Level Melee Ranged Defense Life Speed Range Load Upkeep
1 0 0 0 0 750 1500 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 750 1500 0 0
3 200 200 200 20000 750 1500 0 200
4 459 459 459 45947 750 1500 0 400
5 747 747 747 74743 750 1500 0 600
6 1055 1055 1055 105560 750 1500 0 800
7 1379 1379 1379 137972 750 1500 0 1000
8 1717 1717 1717 171716 750 1500 0 1200
9 2066 2066 2066 206608 750 1500 0 1400
10 2425 2425 2425 242514 750 1500 0 1600
11 9275 9975 10275 795656 1000 1900 90000 1800
12 10275 10975 11275 855656 1000 1900 95000 2000

There is also Dragon Scales (DS) that boosts your Dragon's attack abilities and power.

Scale BoostsEdit[]

Please add the correct names for the ones within parentheses.

Color Boost(s) Image
Copper Load +1.000.000 [4]
Silver Load +5m and Speed +250 [5]
Gold Ranged +100.000 / Melee +250.000 [6]

Melee +50,000

Cobalt Health +250.000 [8]
Jade Ranged +50,000 [9]
Lunar [10]
Zombie Melee + 300,000 [11]
Shadow Life +500.000 and Melee +250.000 [12]
(Grey) [13]
(Pink) [14]
Amethyst Speed +50 [15]

Armor BoostsEdit[]

Please add the correct names for the ones within parentheses.

Color Boost(s) Image
Shadow Life +500,000 and Melee +250,000 [16]
Silver Speed +250 and Load +5m [17]
Gold Ranged +100.000 and Melee + 250.000 [18]
Lunar [19]
Zombie +300.000 Melee [20]
(Green/Emerald) [21]
Cobalt Life +250.000 [22]
(Red/Crimson) Melee +50,000 [23]

Melee Damage +500,000

Speed + 100


For The Great Dragon's Armor- You need Longbowman,Armored Transport,Spy or others.


  • Claw Guards - 1 Spy
  • Body Armor - 1 Spy
  • Tail Guard - 1 Spy
  • Helmet - Normal Troops
  • Claw Guards - 1 Spy
  • Body Armor - Normal Troops
  • Helmet - 1 Spy
  • Tail Guard - Normal Troops
  • some dragon armour
  • GD Body Armor
  • GD Claw Guards
  • GD Helmet
  • GD Tail Guards
  • Amazon Lvl 11 Dragons Keep
  • Lvl 11 GD keep
  • Level 11 Dragon Keep

6 of 16Add photo

  • Great Dragon
  • Great Dragon With Armor
  • Crimson Great Dragon
  • Cobalt Great Dragon
  • Cobalt Great Dragon With Armor
  • Great Dragon with Shadow Armor (Black)
  • Great Dragon Landing
  • Great Dragon "on" Crimson Bull
  • gold scales
  • Amethyst scales with armor
  • Jade Scales with Armor
  • Copper Scales
  • Shadow Armor
  • Zombie-Scales with Zombie-Armor

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  • Water Dragon
  • Outposts
  • Stone Dragon

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